Photo Credit: Evart Area Fire Department
When the Evart Area Fire Department was founded in 1879 it was comprised of one Stall building with a cart and horses and was called Hose Company 1. In 1926 the firefighters purchased a 1926 Chevy Fire Truck. It was the first motorized fire truck in Evart. The truck is still in the possession of the fire fighters to this day.
Today, the fire department has a total of 9 pieces of major equipment. 1 Pumper / Tanker 1250gpm/2500gal (1986), 1- Pumper/Tanker 1500gpm/3000gal (2022), 1- Engine 1500gpm/1000gal (2025), 1 – 109’ Tower (1998) 2 – Brush trucks (2005 and 2015) 1 – Utility Vehicle (2020) 1 Air Trailer (2010) and 1 – 18’ Boat (2019).
View the 2024 Annual Fire Report HERE
Fire Chief: Shane Helmer

Photo Credit: Osceola County Sheriff Department
The mission of the Osceola County Sheriff’s Office is to provide a full spectrum of law enforcement, corrections, and court services so that our community continues to grow and progress as a safe and secure place to live, work and visit.
Sheriff: Mark Cool